2024 Executive Pricing Survey

2024 Industry Pricing Benchmarks

Revenue Management Labs commissioned a survey on pricing performance and revenue from 2023 and targets for 2024. We reached out to over 500 executives in over 9 industries in North America and Europe.

2024 Business Services Pricing Benchmarks

Business Services
2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Compared to last year, companies in Business Services expect revenue to grow in 2024. Download the report to get this and other insights from executives in Business Services across North America and Europe.

Consumer Goods - 2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Consumer Goods
2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Companies in the consumer goods industry achieved the highest price increases in 2023 compared to all other industries. Access these insights and others from executives in consumer goods across North America and Europe.

Distribution - 2024 Executive Pricing Survey

2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Distribution companies set and achieved more ambitious targets, when the Finance Team is involved in the pricing function. Download the report to get more actionable insights from executives in distribution companies across North America and Europe.

Healthcare Services - 2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Healthcare Services
2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Investing in artificial intelligence and machine learning allows companies to optimize pricing and accelerate growth. Download the report to get actionable insights like this from executives in Healthcare Services across North America and Europe.

Manufacturing - 2024 Executive Pricing Survey

2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Manufacturing companies that have a dedicated pricing team set more ambitious revenue growth targets and achieve higher growth. Download the report to get these and other insights from executives in manufacturing across North America and Europe.

Medical Technology - 2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Medical Technology
2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Giving your sales team greater autonomy over discounting leads to significantly better performance. Access actionable insights like these from executives in Medical Technology across North America and Europe.

Pharmaceutical - 2024 Executive Pricing Survey

2024 Executive Pricing Survey

High discounting by pharmaceutical companies in North America and Europe led to net price underperformance as compared to inflation in 2023. Download the report to dive deep into actionable insights from executives in Pharmaceuticals.

2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Software companies that have a dedicated pricing team are better equipped to price at a premium and realize that higher price. Get actionable insights like these from executives in Software across North America and Europe.

2024 Executive Pricing Survey

Focusing on increasing your offer value helps increase customers' willingness to pay and drives revenue growth. Access insights like these from executives across North America and Europe.

White Paper

This year’s instalment of the Executive Pricing Survey provides insider information on past pricing performance, revenue growth, and 2024 targets. You will receive actionable insights, learning how the highest performing companies drive results.

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Executive Pricing Survey Results

We will cover the full results from our 2024 Executive Pricing Survey. See how you compare to your competitors both in past performance and for 2024 pricing strategy.

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